Sustainable road markings

Get on the road safely with durable road markings

The visibility of road markings and the quality of the road surface are an important part of road safety. At Triflex, we offer durable quality materials that can withstand heavy loads and increasing traffic. As a result, the safety of every road user can be ensured.

'There is an increasing search for marking systems with the most favorable footprint and with the least impact on the environment.'

- Vincent Thérer

Cold charges

Triflex is a specialist in two-component cold plastic systems and we see a trend with a transition from the traditionally more applied thermoplastic road markings to cold plastic. First of all because cold-plastic is more wear-resistant and thus lasts longer, thus it is also a huge gain in microplastic pollution. Furthermore, compared to thermoplastics, cold plastics can be applied in smaller layer thicknesses. This means fewer kilograms thus less impact on the environment through limited use of raw materials and transportation.

Advantages coldplast

Thermoplastics are solids that are heated in boilers to about 180°C to become liquid. That diesel-fueled process, of course, leads to CO2 emissions. Two-component cold plastics are liquid resins to which a hardener is added. So heating with CO2 emissions is not an issue with cold plastics. Finally, cold plastics are recyclable as opposed to thermoplastics, which must be disposed of separately at the end of their useful life and disposed of as construction waste. All arguments that help when making choices in the context of sustainability.

Sustainable road markings

Bicycle highways & bicycle roads

Bicycle highways, bicycle lanes and bicycle roads where the car is a guest require clear and distinctive markings. In addition to materials for line marking, Triflex also has cold plastic surface coatings with the same properties in terms of durability and road safety available. These are robust, non-slip and colored coatings that make bicycle lanes/paths very clearly marked. This allows cyclists to travel safely and comfortably.

Solutions for bike lanes

Luminous markings

Road markings can have several functions. For example, road markings can also aid in emergency situations. Think of smoke development or light failure in dark areas. Luminous markings can help find the shortest way out of a danger zone. These luminous markings contain pigments that absorb daylight or artificial light. When it is dark, they emit a yellow-green light. The markings are easy to apply and require no investment in special machinery.

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EU Road Federation

'Designing the road of the future' That is one of the goals of the European Road Fedaration (ERF). The ERF is a non-profit organization that coordinates the views of the European road infrastructure sector and acts as a platform for research and dialogue on mobility issues.

We have been an active member of ERF for many years and also a member of the working groups; "Working Group on Road Markings" & "Sustainable Roads".


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