
Economics, the financial side of CSR

Economy and Triflex

Economics represents the sustainable growth of our business and is the financial side of Corporate Social Responsibility. It is all about creating economic value.

As a family business, we focus on the long term and invest in things like our production site in Minden, not primarily focused on maximizing short-term profits. We strive to combine financial success with responsibility for the environment and people.

We adhere to the sustainability guidelines of the chemical industry in Germany and follow the Responsible Care guidelines of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI). This means, for example, that we continuously work to protect the environment, as well as the health and safety of our employees and the surroundings. Our organizational culture is characterized by three core values: innovation, appreciation and sustainability.

Local involvement Herentals

Local involvement is an essential aspect of our corporate culture. We value social responsibility and strive to have a positive impact on our community. One of our key initiatives in this area is our annual ProVélo, where we cycle with our partners and customers to raise money for charity.

  • 2022 - 6,000 euros for Join2Bike
    In 2022, together with several partners and customers, we set out for a bike ride through the Flemish countryside. During this action, we raised an impressive €6,000 for the non-profit organization Join2Bike. This organization is dedicated to helping victims of brain attacks, accidents and the like, with the aim of bringing them together to cycle. This unique exercise project not only pushes physical limits but also cultivates mental muscles. Join2Bike offers adapted loaner bikes and looks for suitable ones that can be converted and purchased for rehabilitants.


  • 2024 – 13.700 euro voor Avalympics
    In 2024 hebben we ons opnieuw ingespannen voor een goed doel en  hebben we samen met onze partners en klanten een indrukwekkend bedrag van €13.700 ingezameld voor Avalympics. Deze organisatie zet zich in om mensen met een beperking evenveel kansen te geven om te sporten. Ze bieden een breed scala aan sportactiviteiten en competities aan, aangepast aan de mogelijkheden van iedere deelnemer. Met deze donatie kunnen ze al het nodige aanschaffen om meer mensen de kans te geven actief te blijven en te genieten van sport en bewegen.

  • 2023 - 8,650 euros for SportYves against Cancer
    In 2023, ProVélo was entirely dedicated to "SportYves against Cancer," an association founded after the death of the then alderman for sports of Destelbergen/Heusden, Yves De Lausnay. The organization was founded to raise money for research into the terrible disease that still plays a major role in many families. It was an honor for us, thanks to our customers and partners, to be able to hand over an impressive amount of no less than €8,650 to such a wonderful organization.


  • 2025 – Een nieuwe editie van ProVélo 
    Wij genieten nog volop na van de vorige editie, maar kijken ondertussen al met veel enthousiasme uit naar wat we kunnen verwezenlijken in 2025. Wij zijn ontzettend trots op de steun die we jaarlijks mogen ontvangen en kijken ernaar uit om ook in de toekomst een verschil te blijven maken.

'We combine financial success with environmental and human responsibility'

- Christophe Vandyck

Targets for 2025

To make the above concrete, we have established the following objectives:

" alt="Organization select that we want to sponsor structurally.">

Organization select that we want to sponsor structurally.

" alt="Establish a set time frame for employees in which they can perform work for charity.">

Establish a set time frame for employees in which they can perform work for a charity.

" alt="Incorporate sustainability into procurement policies (local purchasing, circularity).">

Incorporate sustainability into purchasing policies (local purchasing, circularity).
